Friday, December 16, 2011

Thanksgiving NYC

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC is one of the most televised Thanksgiving events in N.Y. Every year we tune in as my mom preps Thanksgiving dinner. This year I had the pleasure of going for the first time with my niece and my sister. It was great fun and is something every New Yorker should definitely do at least once. Being that I'm the worst picture taker alive I don't have much to share but here is one of my niece standing as a smurf float passes by.

Here's another of my mother's delicious Thanksgiving table (sans le gigantic turkey, I'm not sure where it was at that point) 
and lastly a pic I took of my family huddled around the table...
...Just our traditional Thanksgiving we enjoy every year, I couldn't imagine a Thanksgiving any other way and hope to share many, many more with the people I hold dearest to my heart... I cherish my family & our traditions a lot, although I'd never let them know it lol.
They're my heart.

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